A Defining Moment
With the team building and training completed, the students prepared for the next step of their outreach. They met in a church basement, and instructions were given—each person was assigned to stay in various families' homes in or around Caboolture. Jim and his new friend, Ben, began to search the crowd and soon found the husband of the family where they would be living for the next three weeks.
Mr. Tester was a kind man and smiling, he held his hand out to welcome Jim and Ben. He was genuinely eager to have the young men in his home.
"Jim, we live a bit out of town, and it is good you have your car with you. That way, you will be able to drive back and forth each day to Caboolture for their ministry times."
Jim gasped when he heard the words a bit out of town, and he felt his heart leap in his chest!
Mr. Tester noticing the change in Jim’s demeanor, asked quickly, “Will that be alright, Jim?”
“Of course, I am glad I have my car with me; it’ll make this time easier all around.”
As Jim and Ben piled in his car to follow Mr. Tester out of town, Jim turned to Ben and said, “I think I know why God has me on this particular team.”
"Why…do you know something I don't? Ben responded, looking curiously at Jim.
“I might,” Jim said teasingly, “We’ll have to wait and see. I’m kind of new at this hearing from God-thing and following His direction.”
Of course, Ben had no clue what Jim meant, but as the coming days would unfold, he would be surprised as he watched God lead Jim in a way he did not expect.
Following Mr. Tester out of Caboolture, Jim’s mind was awhirl with crazy thoughts. God could have put me with any other team, but no, He has me on this one for a big reason. Every other member is staying in Caboolture, but I am precisely going where God wants me during this time.
As Jim suspected and watched the road signs as he drove, he realized they were indeed on their way heading straight for Deception Bay. He tried to be patient and relax, but nerves began to get the better of him. God, please help me. I have no idea what is ahead, but I do know you are with me. Help me with my emotions. I cannot do this by myself. Excitement, mingled with fear, held Jim in the grip of the unknown.
After about twenty minutes of driving south away from Caboolture, they arrived at the home of the Testers. Jim, pushing himself from the driver’s seat, looked cautiously around as if his father might jump out from behind a bush. A very friendly Mrs. Tester met them at the front door and invited them inside. It was a cozy and welcoming home, and the boys began to relax as both husband and wife made them feel at home. Mr. Tester took the backpacks to their room, overlooking a lovely back garden, and then joined them in the kitchen.
Mrs. Tester was putting the kettle on and arranging a plate of biscuits (cookies). As she set these in the center of a small table adorned with flowers and a bowl of fresh fruit, she began to ask questions.
“So, where are you boys from?”
Ben jumped in and replied, "I'm from Melbourne. This is really exciting for me to be so far north. I'm looking forward to what is ahead. I've never been on an evangelism team before."
"Well, Melbourne is a big city, and Caboolture is pretty small in comparison. I think you will find it different, yet hopefully, the ministry will go well for you in the churches. What about you, Jim?"
Taking a deep breath, Jim answered, “Well, I am from the small town of Orange in New South Wales, about 1,000 kilometers from Brisbane.”
Mrs. Tester, her eyes widening as she poured tea, responded, “Oh, we know some people from Orange.”
Even knowing God was up to something in his life and the possibility of seeing his father soon, Jim was still a bit surprised to hear the Testers knew someone from Orange. The city has a population of about 30,000 people. It was like telling someone you were from America and asking if you knew someone they were acquainted with.
Mrs. Tester sat in the chair across from Jim and threw out the question, “What church do you attend in Orange?”
Jim went on to tell how he had recently given his life to God and was a new Christian. He shared a bit of his story of traveling in the U.S. and Canada, so he hadn't actually found a church yet to regularly attend.
“I grew up in a Russian Pentecostal church, first in Sydney and then in Orange.”
Again, Mrs. Tester jerked back in surprise, “Oh, we know the founder of that church in Orange.”
Jim felt like a drama was being played out in front of him. He was almost finding this whole scenario unbelievable if God hadn’t prepared his heart beforehand.
Looking her straight in the eye, Jim responded, “Yes, that’s my father.”
Nearly falling off his chair, Mr. Tester grabbed the table, exclaiming, "What?!"
A shocked silence descended upon the room. No one said anything at first.
A look of amazement crossing her face, Mrs. Tester leaned forward and almost in a whisper asked, “Jim, are you Alex’s son?”
Speaking words that only a few days earlier would have brought him tremendous pain, Jim hesitantly responded, “Yes, I am Alex’s son.”
Jim proceeded to tell Mr. and Mrs. Tester, and Ben, who was equally shocked but realizing God had led Jim to this home. Out of 300 people, God put Jim into a team of nine. God would then deal with his heart of unforgiveness and the estranged relationship with his father. God would continue to lead him to Deception Bay.
"This is unbelievable! We sold our home a few years back, and your father bought it, “ offered Mr. Tester. “Your father lives right down the street!”
Mr. and Mrs. Tester knew a bit of Jim's dad's life, and they were in awe at the way God was leading a father and son into possible reconciliation. It was an unbelievable story, but they all rejoiced and were excited at what God seemed to be setting in motion.
Later that same evening, as Jim climbed into bed emotionally exhausted and switched off the light, he knew God was intimately leading him down a path of forgiveness. However, amidst a sense of peace, there was a trepidation of sorts. Although he had forgiven his father in prayer, the reality was his heart was still very raw. He had no idea how he would respond, seeing him face to face.
Would I even know him? Would I smile or cry? Could I even bring myself to actually take him in my arms with a hug and tell him after all that happened, I still loved him.
Jim was afraid and did the only thing he knew to do…he prayed. With an expectant, yet heavy heart, he told God, “You have led me this far, and I am just leaving the rest to you.“
As Jim rolled over and closed his eyes, he slept a peaceful sleep for the first time in weeks.
If God was in the business of wasting time, He certainly did no such thing in His plan for bringing Jim to this small town in Queensland. A typical Aussie breakfast of a fry-up (eggs, bacon, tomato, and mushrooms) by Mrs. Tester greeted Jim and Ben the following morning. With a busy day ahead, they drove back into Caboolture for their meeting but in the back of Jim’s mind loomed the question, What will happen next with my dad? Last night, he had learned a few things from the Testers. Alex had settled in Queensland, and his new wife was selling real estate. The new Mrs. Dikih came around that morning after Ben and Jim left for Caboolture. She was taking Mrs. Tester around Deception Bay to show her some properties.
As soon as she arrived, Mrs. Tester surprised her with the unexpected news that Alex's son, Jim, would be staying in their home for a couple of weeks. The two women decided then and there they would work out a scenario for Jim to meet his father. Delaying house-hunting, they proceeded to drive all the way into Caboolture to pick Jim up and take him to the building site where Alex was working. Jim was in a state of bewilderment, climbing in the car and heading back to Deception Bay. Needless to say, he was anxious and apprehensive. Jim still wasn't sure he could do this, but it seemed as if God was taking his hand and leading him to the inevitable. All he had to do was follow. He just hadn’t expected it to happen so soon.
Jim’s heart was racing as they pulled off onto a side road and into a construction site. A home was being built, and there were bricks everywhere. There didn't seem to be anyone around. As he exited from the car, Jim's eyes were searching. He was sweating and not a little bit nervous. Suddenly coming around the corner of the house emerged a slightly-bent over worker pushing a wheelbarrow. Jim's eyes locked on the man he’d hated and avoided for the past decade.
Alex had stopped and bent over to pick up bricks he was using to build a wall. He looked much older to Jim, however, still the same man. Jim was sure he also looked quite different from the young teenager his father had left behind seven years earlier. As Alex straightened up, his wife called out to him. He turned around in response to her voice, and his eyes immediately caught sight of Jim. A look of shock and unbelief came over his face. He stood upright and stared. As the reality of who was standing there dawned on him, a smile slowly crept up his face.
Time seemed to stand still. Jim took a couple of steps toward his father. Alex did the same. Neither man knew quite what to do. And neither would remember who moved the quickest, but suddenly they were in each other’s arms.
“It’s you,” Alex sobbed. “How are you here?”
Barely able to get words out, Jim responded, "I don't know. All I know is God brought me."
No other words were uttered as the two men wept and held onto each other tightly, neither wanting to think this was a dream. One was needing forgiveness, the other needing closure. A boy and his father being reunited after an ugly prolonged separation. Neither would remember who cried the most.
When they finally pulled apart and their eyes locked on each other, the words tumbled out.
“I am sorry, Dad, for taking so long to come to you. I was so angry and hurt. I didn’t know how to cope. I still do not understand all that has happened. It’s a long story, but I believe God led me to you.”
"I should have come to you," Alex stammered. "I am sorry for what happened. And I never should have let these years go by without contacting you or the other kids. I have been a terrible father, and I am so very sorry! Please forgive me!"
Again, with tears streaming down his face and struggling to speak, Jim answered, "Yes, Dad, I do forgive you. It is only by God's love and His own forgiveness that I have been able to do this. I do love you!"
As those difficult words were brought out into the open, something miraculous happened. A lost father and the son whom he abandoned were reunited. Hurt, anger, and shame slowly melted from their faces and hearts. It was painful yet freeing. Jim knew deep within his soul, this would forever be a defining moment in his life.
Jim spent the next few hours telling his father in detail the story of how God in the last weeks had led him. An afternoon of embracing and tears left an indelible print on his aching heart. In turn, a father was forgiven and allowed to be a dad once again.
The days, weeks and even years ahead would not be easy. Father and son would have to get to know each other all over again. Some explanations would be needed. Some questions asked. It would take time for trust to be rebuilt. More tears shed but with the hope of rebuilding.
It’s tough to adequately describe the myriad of emotions Jim felt later that day. After leaving his father, retrieving his car, and returning to the Testers, he found a quiet place to process what had happened. He opened his Bible and began to pray.
During those quiet moments, he believed God the Father was speaking something deep and personal to him. It was if he could almost audibly hear the words.
“Jim, you are My son. I love you deeply. I am pleased with the way I created you. You bring Me great pleasure. I am your heavenly Father, and I will never leave you nor forsake you. Release your earthly father of any expectations of being a better father to you and let me be your father. Release the years of pain and regret. You are now my son; receive your sonship.”
Those words would change Jim’s life forever. He had begun a journey of forgiveness, but unbeknownst to him, the adventure lay ahead.